National Aquatic Facilities Strategy, Sport NZ.

Partnered with GLG, smartz was a lead author of the National Aquatic Facilities Strategy, Sport NZ.

The 2013 version had passed its best before date and a fresh more layered approach was sought by Sport NZ and the aquatic provision stakeholders. The new Strategy provides a provision approach that identifies the types of pool water combined with the area of pool space required. It highlights taking a network approach, apply the Sport NZ Spaces and Places Framework, focusing aquatic facility planning on meeting the local community need, prioritising improving access to existing facilities first before redeveloping or building new, and it picks up on planning principles that include:

  • a Te Tiriti o Waitangi informed approach

  • meeting an identified need

  • co-design

  • inclusive and accessible

  • environmental and financially sustainability

  • partnering/collaboration

  • connected and future proofed facilities


Palmerston North City Aquatic Facilities and Water-based Recreation Needs Assessment.