Glenorchy ECE-Pool Options Paper.
This Options Paper collated the ideas and options the Glenorchy community had been developing in relation to the provision of early child education locally, the future of the pool, and other opportunities a facility may be able to serve. Its intention was to provide the community with a documented summary of the options for the community to consider. From here the community pursued the best fit option to meet the needs within the financial limitation context.
The Paper documents the community needs and wants and these were not assessed or prioritised as that was a process for the community to work through.
The various facility provision ideas were detailed into a set of options that are aligned to the community needs/wants and then financially modelled to give a perspective of what each option would cost to construct, operate, and retain into the future. The financial modelling draws assumptions from a Feasibility Report, an Architect’s concept designs, and estimates based on the industry experience and knowledge of smartz.