Whangārei Aquatic Centre Ownership/Governance/Management Review.

Whangārei Aquatic Centre is the premier aquatic facility in Northland providing users with a wide range of aquatic experiences. The facility was showing its age and had been experiencing asset deterioration and failure.

The Review documented the findings of technical investigations into the ownership/governance/management model and the associated responsibilities for the three primary Stakeholders.

The Review was commissioned by Whangarei District Council with support from Sport Northland, and in liaison with Community Leisure Management.

This review was not a formal full-service delivery review as defined in section 17a of the Local Government Act 2002 but did follow a similar approach and is intended to inform WDC and Sport Northland for future decisions relating to the Whangārei Aquatic Centre.

The approach taken was to investigate all relevant documentation, interview stakeholders, conduct a site visit and partnering with Xyst, Amotto Consultancy Ltd, and +More Accountancy Services, the consulting team produced independent reports in relation to asset condition and asset management.  All findings were analysed to determine key issues and opportunities, and a set of future options were assessed to determine the preferred approach to ownership/governance/management into the future.

Whangārei Aquatic Centre Ownership Options Report.

Following the Review Whangārei District Council sought a report outlining the ownership options and assessing these against the Council’s objectives. The report included a multi criteria analysis of the options identifying the preferred approach for ownership of the Whangārei Aquatic Centre.

The project again included partnering with Xyst. The resulting report was the basis for Council to decide on the ownership into the future.

Whangārei Aquatic Centre Renewals Programme Project

Following the initial report that included a condition assessment of the pools and plant, Sport Northland submitted a funding request to the Whangārei District Council LTP to perform a wide range of necessary pool and plant renewals/upgrades. The funding was approved and Sport Northland engaged Amotto Consultancy Ltd (who took the lead) partnered with smartz to project manage the renewals projects totaling $2.2million.


Palmerston North City Aquatic Facilities and Water-based Recreation Needs Assessment.


Glenorchy ECE-Pool Options Paper